Create Documents
Collect eSignatures

Collaborate on documents, get signed agreements & capture knowledge

Create agreements, gather electronic signatures, and keep all of your files in one location.

Get started with Papermind
Papermind for Slack
Papermind for Slack
Papermind for Slack
Papermind for Slack
Papermind for Slack

Collaborate & sign

Create and share docs 

A simple interface for creating awesome documents. Pick a template or start from scratch.

Capture signatures and get agreements done fast

Share docs with anyone, send requests for signatures, & store them in one place. Cool? We thought so.

Store and share
your teams files

Share, store, and locate any file with ease. Capture all your team's knowledge and work in one place

Create documents quickly & easily

Papermind lets you create and collaborate on documents. Use it to make agreements, contracts, NDA’s, guides, plans, and more.

Papermind for Slack
Papermind for Slack
Papermind for Slack
Papermind for Slack

Make the perfect doc

Create your template and define your content the way you want it. Consistent perfect documents ready to share, use and sign.

It's super simple

Simple drag and drop interface, create, edit, and work on documents quickly. Work faster, present your ideas more effectively.

Make organization easy

Use tags to organize docs across your workspace, co-workers, and projects, & find them easily. Group content collections in more powerful ways.

Beautiful docs made simple

Need something shared with your entire team but hate sharing documents through email? 

Try Papermind
7 day free trial

Create, send & sign documents easily

Share your documents with anyone. Co-workers, partners, or clients for them to sign in seconds.

Papermind for Slack
Papermind for Slack
Papermind for Slack
Papermind for Slack

Start collaborating in 2 easy steps

Step 1: Create a document.
Step 2: Share a doc, request signatures, store & retrieve.

Say goodbye to complex signing

Cut the paperwork and save time and money. Create any doc, securely share it with people in seconds. Receive their signed copies in a flash.

Sign in seconds, directly from email and Slack

Request document signatures; via Slack and via email. Invite people to sign even if they are not a Papermind or Slack user.

Make your next deal simple

Dive in and see how much easier it is to collect signatures

Try Papermind
7 day free trial

Store files & media in one location

Papermind file storage lets you store files, media, and links all in one place. You can share to Slack, and keep the conversations going.

Papermind for Slack
Papermind for Slack
Papermind for Slack
Papermind for Slack

Organize your files and
share your work easily

Using drag and drop file organization, teams can quickly publish and view files by category. Organize and share your work with your team more easily.

Search your Papermind workspace for anything

Get your hands on your content sooner. Type in a keyword to discover your docs, files, media, and links – or find content using tags.

Share to Slack

Collaborate with your team faster by sharing files, images, and links to Slack directly from Papermind. You can also search Papermind without leaving Slack using the /search command.

Looking for a real-time deal collaboration app? 

Papermind is a fully featured Slack app that allows you to send, edit and sign legally binding documents.

Share with team members, clients, partners, contractors anyone who needs to sign.

Papermind for Slack
Papermind for Slack

Get a jumpstart on your work

Use these FREE templates when you download Papermind. 

The template library includes: NDA, Creative Brief, Service Agreement.

Freelance & Contractor Agreement, Pricing Proposal, Board Minutes, Startup docs, and more.

Connect your Slack teams to Papermind

It's easy to keep track of your team. Just click on the faces to start a conversation. Or star team members to add them to your starred collection for easy access later.

Papermind for Slack
Papermind for Slack

Tag your content

Add your own tags to docs and files. Clicking on tags enables your teams to view everything related with that chosen tag.

Share docs and files with your teams in Slack

Share docs and files with your teams in Slack. Enter names or channels and share a message to share with Slack. Your team will receive a notification you’re sharing something.

Papermind for Slack
Papermind for Slack
Papermind for Slack

Search Papermind from Slack

While you’re in Slack, perform a global search within Papermind using the /papermind search [keyword].

Easy integration with Slack

We make it easy to connect to Papermind, just sign in with your Slack Account. Add team members to your Slack account to give them access to Papermind.

Stay in the loop with notifications

Get instantly notified in Slack when important documents and files such as contracts or quotes are shared from PaperMind to you or channels. You'll never miss a thing.

Get started with Papermind free today

Make your next document collaboration simple
Get Started
7 day free trial