A plan just for you, or your team

Try free for 7 days. No credit card required.

Papermind 1

For 1 user
billed monthly
Get Started

Papermind 100

Up to 100 users
billed monthly
Get Started

Pricing is in US dollars. Contact us if you have more than 100 users.

Frequently Asked Questions

Do I need to provide a Credit Card upfront during the 7 day trial?

Not at all. You can sign up for a free 7 day trial with no credit card. We encourage everyone to test drive Papermind first. Once your 7 day trial is up, you’ll be able to choose a plan that best suits your team size.

How secure is Papermind?

All of your content is stored securely with Amazon Web Services. As you would expect, we use SSL to encrypt all communication between Papermind running on your Mac or PC and where your content is stored within AWS.

What happens when I connect Papermind with my Slack workspace?

When you connect Papermind with your Slack we’ll look up the name of your team, your Slack workspace URL and your email. Don’t worry, we’re not able to access any of your conversations or files. Papermind can only post to your Slack environment, not pull anything from it.

How many Slack workspaces can Papermind connect with?

A Slack workspace is a team, and each team in Slack has a unique URL. If you have say 10 Slack workspaces, you’ll require 10 x separate licenses of Papermind. You will need to log out from one workspace, and then log into another workspace in order to switch between different Slack workspaces. You’ll only require the single installation of Papermind as each teams content is not shared or viewable between different workspaces.

What happens at the end of the 7 day trial?

Once your trial is complete, you can continue accessing any articles you’ve created or files you’ve published. However, you won’t be able to create new articles or publish new files until you choose a paid plan.

Where is my content stored?

Anything you add to Papermind is stored securely with Amazon Web Services. Our servers are US based.

Will you delete all of our content at the end of our trial or when we cancel our plan?

Yes we will. 30 days after your trial ends, or from the time you cancel a paid plan, we will permanently delete all of your content from our AWS servers.

If I have more than 100 users, what’s the process?

Please contact us and we’ll work with you to provide a unique Papermind license for your large team.

How do I cancel my Papermind subscription?

From within Papermind, click on the Account icon. From the Account screen you’ll be able to change or cancel your active Papermind subscription.

Please contact us if you have any further questions.